St Sebastian's Uniform Policy
Families who enrol children at St Sebastian's are expected to support the school by having the children wear the compulsory uniform.
The Uniform Shop is located up the stairs near
the library. Michelle Buckley is the current uniform convener and she can be
contacted on Mob: 0419 302 076 or Email: It is open on the first two Tuesdays of each
Term from 8.00 – 9.00am. Outside of these times, orders can be placed using the
Qkr! App (
Qkr Parents How to Guide.pdf )
and they will be processed and delivered to your child in the classroom to take home.
A minimum amount of stock will be kept on site with bulk orders being placed during the year. Please note that some items are not available for purchase through our uniform shop these are: navy tights, navy leggings, navy tracksuit pants, white socks and all black shoes.
School Uniform - There is no regular set day for all the children to wear the formal uniform. Sports uniforms are to be worn on the days the child's class has PE or sports/games. Formal uniform will be worn for school photo day. Parents will be advised requirements for excursions. No long-sleeved shirts are to be worn under the uniform. Only ONE pair of all black shoes is necessary (no white or other colours should be on the shoes). If you prefer, sports shoes may be brought to school and worn for PE lessons, changing back into school shoes after the lesson. Sports shoes may be worn for sporting events.
Hair and accessories - It is expected that all children will have appropriate and well-groomed hair styles. Children with hair past their shoulder should have their hair tied back. Hair accessories, including exposed hair elastics should only be plain navy, pale blue or white. These are widely available at Kmart, Target, Best & Less, Price Attack and Priceline. There are some hair accessories for sale via the uniform shop. Hair colour should be natural.
Jewellery - Jewellery, nail polish, make up and any other accessories are not acceptable. Students are permitted to wear a plain watch and religious medals. All students with pierced ears may wear plain gold or silver stud or sleeper earrings and a maximum of one in each
ear lobe.
If there is a particular reason for your child
to be out of uniform, then we would appreciate a note explaining the reason to
your child’s teacher.
