Reporting to Parents

St Sebastian’s reporting practices include summaries of student achievement in a printed report format; three-way teacher/parent/student interviews; general interviews; portfolio of the student’s work; and celebrations and demonstrations of learning.

The purpose of twice yearly (Terms 2 and 4) written reports is to provide parents/caregivers with a summary overview of achievement and progress for the current reporting period. This report summarises evidence of student learning about how the student is achieving. The supporting portfolio of the student’s work provides feedback about the quality of this achievement and direction about where to next.

In Terms 1 and 3, three-way conferences take the form of a conversation between the student, their parents and their teacher. This approach gives students an opportunity to share with their parents their growth as a learner. They share the accountability and responsibility for their progress and achievement with the teacher, and demonstrate a growing understanding of their development as independent learners.