We remind parents that the Kiss 'n’ Go Zone is the area where your car can pull up and
your child disembarks - preferably on the footpath side. Please wait for the car in front
to drive off, and please do not pull out from the kerb before the car in front has. Please
be patient. You might need to wait a minute or so, but it is imperative for the safety of
all. The Kiss 'n' Go zone is defined by a green/white striped pole at either end of the
zone and yellow lines on the road. When collecting your child in the afternoon, please
move forward one car at a time to reach the front of the line. Your child/ren will be
called to the car. We ask that children enter the car via the footpath and carry their
bags with them. Students should not step onto the road to put bags into the boot or
access doors on the driver's side of the vehicle.
If you wish to park your car and walk into school, please park in other areas in the
surrounding streets.
It is imperative for child safety that this zone, indicated by the yellow arrow in the image
below, is kept clear of parked cars. You will note on Rome St North that this area is
marked with a "Loading Zone - 7am-9am and 2pm-4pm - 2 minute standing" green/
white striped pole and sign at each end. It is also marked with a yellow line on the road.
We appreciate your co-operation in keeping this area clear of parked cars, allowing for a
smooth and safe drop off/collection of your child each day.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Sebastian's School (2023)