Student Leadership

At St Sebastian’s School the Year 6 students are our student leaders.  They promote the school vision and these values for our student community.

The Sisters of Saint Joseph were the first teachers at our school and our student leaders take on the ethos of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, the founder of the Sisters.  The students follow Mary MacKillop’s famous saying…

             “never see a need without doing something about it!” 

The students learn about servant leadership and the responsibility and respect that lays with reaching out to others in need.  This also aligns with our school rules and the key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum.

With the development of these leadership skills comes a responsibility to develop an understanding of and commitment to social justice, equity and fairness.  The Year 6 students set the example for the younger students and so will represent the school at external events.  While the Year 5 students work with them in the school setting, taking responsibility for a variety of roles that include leading the school at our weekly prayer gatherings and class assemblies.  Other projects are negotiated and can focus around the parish, St Vincent de Paul, the environment, play activities with the early year students or wherever a need may arise. 

We are very proud of the many areas of service our students lead each year.