Student Health

Sick Children

If you intend keeping your child at home because of illness, please follow the procedure as mentioned in Student Absences. Please ensure that you have given the school the appropriate information on your child's Health Record.  Please keep this information up to date at all times - even if your contact number changes for only one day – please let the office know, so you can be contacted.  This information is essential if your child is involved in an emergency situation.  If your child becomes ill during school time, they will spend 10 minutes in sick bay, after which time a decision will be made as to whether the child is returned to class, or a parent/caregiver is called to take the child home.

First Aid:

The school has a first aid room located in the Conroy Josephite Centre, the Administration Building.  Most staff have a current certificate in first aid.  Children who are injured are usually escorted to the first aid room.  In the event of a child sustaining a serious injury, the parents will be notified immediately.  The Principal or delegate will authorize the calling of the ambulance should that be necessary.  All first aid treatment is recorded at school, while more serious injuries are recorded on a BCE database.   See Also: Administration of Medication

School Dental Clinic:

The Yeronga Dental Clinic provides an annual service should parents wish to take advantage of it. The necessary forms are sent home early in the year.

Reducing the Spread of Infections

Infections with or without illness, are common in children. When children attend school they are exposed to a large number of children, increasing the opportunity for the spread of infectious diseases. It is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within schools, however a lot of illnesses from infectious disease can be prevented.

 Please refer to the Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health.


What happens if your child gets head lice?

DON’T PANIC – Most children have head lice at some time in their school life. Begin treatment immediately and check for effectiveness. (For more information see the Head Lice Fact Sheet available on the Queensland Health Website.).

Send your child back to school as soon as effective treatment has commenced. Your child is not a risk to others as long as treatment has commenced.

Let your child's teacher know. It is most likely that others in the class also have head lice. We can then advise all families to check every 2 days (and treat if head lice are found). This decreases the chance of your child getting head lice back again.